Katelyn Elizabeth, LMFT

Come, and be well.

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We All Want Wellness.

Hey there! My name is Katelyn (Elizabeth) Lover, LMFT, and I have this theory: whether we are actively pursuing wellness or not, the majority of us would choose it for ourselves if given the opportunity. We all want our quality of life to be full to the brim. I’ve made it my life’s work to help each of my clients map out their tailored journey toward wellness; no one’s wellness journey will be a carbon copy of another’s path. Let’s plan yours!


Wellness Starts With Your STORY.

We each have a story. Research in neuroscience shows us how our stories shape who we are today - even physically! This means that any effort toward present wellness before reckoning with your story will be fleeting and incomplete.

As the wise Dr. Brené Brown says, “If we deny our story, it defines us. If we own our story, we get to write a brave new ending.” Owning our story is tough to do without some outside help. Over my years of being in clinical practice, I have specialized in helping clients find, own, and reconcile with their stories. Let’s begin on yours.


 Take A Look Around!


Check out the tabs above to get to know a bit more about me! I discuss my approach to mental health healing and give you a sneak peak at my office space. Check out my professional Instagram posts below to get a feel for my personality, as well as access to some encouraging mental health content!